10 April 2022

The Josephus Problem: The Closed Form Proof

Based on considerations of the Josephus problem for even and odd number of people, we have the following recurrence relation

J(1) = 1 \ ; \\
J(2n) = 2J(n) - 1 \ , \qquad \ \ \text{for } n \ge 1 \ ; \\
J(2n + 1) = 2J(n) + 1 \ , \ \text{for } n \ge 1 \ .

Now we want to prove the closed-form solution

J(2^m + l) = 2l + 1 \ , \qquad \text{for } m \ge 0 \text{ and } 0 \le l < 2^m

by the induction on \( m \).


Base case. Assume \( m = 0 \). Since \( 0 \le l < 2^m \), then \( 0 \le l < 1 \) and \( l = 0 \). Now, by substitution,

J(2^0 + 0) = 2 \times 0 + 1


J(1) = 1 \ ,

which establishes the closed-form formula holds for the base case.

Inductive step. For the inductive step, we assume \( m > 0 \) and consider two cases, for odd and even \( l \). We suppose that (2) is true for an arbitrary \( m \) and then show that (2) holds for \( m + 1 \).

First, assume that \( l \) is even. Since the sum of even numbers is even,

2^{m + 1} + l = 2n \ , \qquad \text{for an integer } n \ .


n &= \frac{2^{m + 1} + l}{2} \\
&= 2^m + \frac{l}{2} \ .

And therefore,

J(2^{m + 1} + l) &= J(2n) && \quad \textit{\small by substitution} \\
&= 2J(n) - 1 && \quad \textit{\small by the recurrence relation} \\
&= 2J(2^m + \frac{l}{2}) - 1 && \quad \textit{\small by substitution} \\
&= 2 \times (2 \frac{l}{2} + 1) - 1 && \quad \textit{\small by the inductive hypothesis} \\
&= 2l + 2 - 1 && \quad \textit{\small by algebra} \\
&= 2l + 1 \ .

Hence (2) holds for even \( l \).

Now we assume that \( l \) is odd. Since the sum of an odd and even number is odd,

2^{m + 1} + l = 2n + 1 \ , \qquad \text{for an integer } n \ .


n &= \frac{2^{m + 1} + l - 1}{2} \\
&= 2^m + \frac{l - 1}{2} \ .


J(2^{m + 1} + l) &= J(2n + 1) && \quad \textit{\small by substitution} \\
&= 2J(n) + 1 && \quad \textit{\small by the recurrence relation} \\
&= 2J(2^m + \frac{l - 1}{2}) + 1 && \quad \textit{\small by substitution} \\
&= 2 \times (2 \frac{l - 1}{2} + 1) + 1 && \quad \textit{\small by the inductive hypothesis} \\
&= 2(l - 1 + 1) + 1 && \quad \textit{\small by algebra} \\
&= 2l + 1 \ .

Therefore (2) holds for odd \( l \) too.

Now let's look at the closed form solution from the marginal angle.

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Created by Y.E.T.If you see an error, please report it.